Florida - State Unemployment Insurance

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This article is about Justworks PEO. What product am I using?

Florida is what's referred to as a PEO-reporting state for unemployment insurance. Justworks will report unemployment taxes under the Justworks unemployment account number. Customers will be subject to the Justworks state unemployment rate. Please suspend or close your previous unemployment account.

Closing FL Unemployment Account:

Please follow the steps outlined below to close your FL Unemployment account:

  • Complete an RTS-3 form, and send it to the state per the instructions on the bottom of the form.
    • A completed copy also needs to be provided to Justworks for record-keeping.
    • For information about the 'Leasing company' required in Section 6, you can reach out to Justworks.
    • In Section 4, you can mark your account as inactive.
  • You can also call the FL Reemployment Division at 1-877-846-8770 to confirm your account was in good standing prior to closure, and that all prior returns have posted.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.