Employee Profiles

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This article is for all employers using Justworks.

Managing Employee Profiles

You can manage an employee profile from the Manage -> Employees tab as well. To view an employee profile, click on the employee’s row in the table.

If an employee’s role in Justworks Time Tracking is set to ‘Employee’, the employee details window is divided into 4 tabs. The first tab contains their profile information. You can update name and contact info. You can also update the employee’s role and office.

You can also change an employee’s pay type:

If an employee is set to hourly, you can set an hourly rate. This rate will be used to calculate regular pay and multiples of this rate will be used to calculate overtime pay where applicable.




If an employee is set to salary, no additional rate info is needed.


If an employee is set to ‘Multiple Pay Rates’, you can assign more than one rate to that employee. Learn more about multiple pay rates here. If ‘Multiple Pay Rates’ is selected, you’ll need to tell us which rate to use when approved time off is added to an employee’s time sheet. You can select a rate from the drop down. If you make any changes, be sure to hit ‘Save’.




The second tab contains account information. If an employee’s status is listed as ‘Invited’, you can see their invite code here. You can also resend the invite email or set a password for them from this tab. If you are viewing your own profile, you can also change your password from here.




If an employee is already active in your account, you can send them a link to reset their password, or you can set or change their PIN. PINs in Justworks Time Tracking are only used for Terminal Mode access. Learn more about Terminal Mode here. If you make any changes, be sure to hit ‘Save’.




The third tab is the ‘Managers’ tab. Here you can assign a manager to an employee. Justworks Time Tracking users in the admin role will appear here as well but cannot be unselected. Any Justworks Time Tracking user in the Manager role can be seen here and assigned to the employee. A Manager has permission to view, edit, and approve time for employees assigned to them.




The fourth tab is the ‘Departments’ tab. The Departments feature is reserved for Business Tier customers. You can use the Departments tab to group employees together for reporting and approvals. Learn more about Departments here.




If the Justworks Time Tracking profile you are viewing is for an employee in the Manager role, you’ll see a fifth tab. That tab will ready ‘Employees’. Here you can assign employees to a manager. As before, a manager has permission to view, edit, and approve time for employees assigned to them.





This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.