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In this article:
Notes in the mobile app
Notes on the Justworks Time Tracking website
Projects in the mobile app
Projects on the Justworks Time Tracking website
Justworks Time Tracking's notes feature allows you to enter additional information relevant to your shift. This information is stored as part of the shift record and communicated back to your supervisor or admin i real-time. Your supervisor or admin can even read your Notes and reply. You'll receive a notification in the Justworks Time Tracking app when someone replies to your message.
You can add text or images to your Notes both on the web and in the mobile app.
Notes in the Mobile App:
There are two ways to add Notes from the mobile app. First, if you are checked in to a shift, simply tap on the Notes section of the shift details screen. Then tap on the section that reads "Type a note..." at the bottom of the screen.
Type your note and then tap "Send".
You can also add an image by tapping on the camera icon. You can capture a new image with your device's camera or you can add an image from your camera roll.
You can add as many Notes or images as you'd like.
If your manager or supervisor replies to a Note, you'll see their reply in the Notes section. If you allow Justworks Time Tracking to send you notifications on your device, you'll receive a notification any time your manager or supervisor adds a Note.
You can also add a Note to a manually added shift. (Note: If you do not see a "+" symbol on the right side of the screen on your weekly time sheet, you can ignore this section of the guide). To add Notes to a manual shift, first save the shift to your time sheet as normal (see Lesson 1 of this guide if you have questions).
Next, find and tap on the shift you'd like to add a Note to on your time sheet. This will bring up the Shift Details for that shift. Simply tap on the Notes section and add your note as outlined above.
Notes on the Justworks Time Tracking website:
To add a Note to your shift on the Justworks Time Tracking website, first either check in to a live shift, or add time manually to your time sheet.
If you are checked in to a live shift, click on the row for that shift in the 'Shifts' tab to bring up the Shift Details window.
Now click on the 'Notes' tab. Type your note, or click on the camera icon and then hit 'Enter' on your keyboard.
If a Note has been left for you, you'll see a green 'Note' icon in the shift row.
If you've added a shift manually, click on the row for that shift in the 'Timesheets' tab to bring up the Shift Details window.
Now click on the 'Notes' tab and type your note. You can also click on the camera icon to add an image. Once you're done, hit 'Enter' on your keyboard.
Projects in the Mobile App:
Once you're checked in to work, Justworks Time Tracking allows you to add time to specific tasks or projects from the shift details section. To do so, tap on 'Add Projects to Shift'.
This will bring up a list of projects available to you. You can also add new projects to this list by tapping on 'Add a Project'. You can select as many projects as you'd like from this list simply by tapping on them.
Any projects you select will now appear on the Shift Details screen. To add time to a project, tap on the project from this list. In the project details window, there are two ways to add time to a project in a live shift.
You can tap on the green 'Start Timer' button. This will start a live timer that will run as long as your shift is active or until you tap on 'End Timer'.
You can also tap on 'Add Time to Project' to add time manually.
Please note: Time added to projects does not impact compensation for hourly employees. Compensation is always measured by actual shift duration (when you clock in and clock out or the start and end time of your shift when tracked manually).
Projects on the Justworks Time Tracking website:
You can also add time to projects from the Justworks Time Tracking website. You can do this either in a live shift or on a shift that you've added previously.
To add project time to a live shift, click on the row of the shift. Then click on the 'Projects' tab in the Shift Details window.
Now click on 'Add time to Project' and then select a project from the drop down. You can then either choose to start a time or add hours to your project manually. You can repeat this process to add time to additional projects.
To add project time to a previously completed shift, click on the row for that shift on the Timesheets tab. Then click on the Projects tab. Click on 'Add time to Project' and then select a project from the drop down. Finally enter the number of hours you'd like to assign to this project.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.