Using Slack with Justworks Time Tracking

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Justworks Time Tracking now offers an integration with Slack. Using Slack, Justworks Time Tracking users can clock in, clock out, start and end a break, and see their current status.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Connecting Justworks Time Tracking and Slack
  • Slack Commands
  • Checking in for Work with Slack
  • Staring a Break with Slack
  • Ending a Break with Slack 
  • Checking Out with Slack

Connecting Justworks Time Tracking and Slack

 You can add Justworks Time Tracking to your Slack account in one of two ways. You can now find Slack on Justworks Time Tracking integrations page and connect to your Slack account there.

You can also find the Justworks Time Tracking Bot in the Slack marketplace.

 To connect to your Slack account from the Justworks Time Tracking integrations page, navigate to the Integrations tab and click on ‘Add to Slack’.

When you do, you’ll be asked to provide credentials from your Slack account. This includes your Slack domain, and email and password.

**Please note that your Slack account may be configured so that only Slack admins have permission to add new integrations to your Slack account. If that’s the case, please contact your Slack administrator to add the Justworks Time Tracking Bot to your Slack account.

 Also, you must enable web dashboard access in Justworks Time Tracking for your employees to use Justworks Time Tracking via Slack.

 Once you’ve provided your credentials, you’ll need to authorize Justworks Time Tracking to access your Slack account.

Now you’re ready to start tracking time with Slack.

Slack Commands 

Slack can be used to trigger various actions in Justworks Time Tracking. These actions can be triggered in 3 different ways:

  1. Send a Direct Message to the Justworks Time Tracking Bot (located under Apps on the left side of the app for Slack). This article will primarily cover commands of this type.
  2. Use a slash command (for example, type /check-in) Learn more about slash commands here.
  3. Mention the Justworks Time Tracking Bot in any of your Slack channels (for example, type @justworksTime Tracking check in). Learn more about mentions here.

 For a full list of Slack commands available in Justworks Time Tracking, type “help” into the Justworks Time Tracking Bot DM.

Checking in for work with Slack

To check in for work from your app for Slack (or the Slack web app), you can send a Direct Message to the Justworks Time Tracking Bot. To try it out, just type “in” on the Justworks Time Tracking Bot DM.

 This will prompt you to select a location from the drop down list. Choose a location and then click on “Check In”

Starting a Break with Slack

To start a break simply type “Start Break” in the Justworks Time Tracking Bot DM. If you have break rules applied in your account, this will prompt you to select a break type and then click on “Start Break”. If you do not have break rules applied in your account, the message will automatically start your break in Justworks Time Tracking.

Ending a Break with Slack

To end a break type “End Break” in the Justworks Time Tracking Bot DM. This will end your break. If break rules are applied and you have not yet met the minimum duration for a break, you’ll receive an error message. This message tells you when you can come back and successfully end your break.

Checking out with Slack

 To check out of your shift, type “out” in the Justworks Time Tracking  Bot DM.

 **Please note for all of the above commands that it is possible to have more than one shift open in Justworks Time Tracking. If you have multiple open shifts, Justworks Time Tracking will prompt you to choose from them when updating your status via Slack. You can view open shifts at any time by typing “Open”.

As mentioned above, and just like with other Slack apps, you can also check in and out of work in any other channel by using a command prompt. Command prompts always being with /. 

To get started, go to the App for Slack Directory and search for Justworks Time Tracking. Then, click the green "Visit Site to Install" button. 

Additionally, for further information on our privacy practices, customers can access our privacy policy here.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.