Workers' Compensation Insurance: Related Documents

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Certificate of Insurance 

A certificate of insurance (COI), is a document that provides proof of workers’ compensation insurance.This document includes information such as entity name, the type of insurance your company has coverage for, policy number, effective dates, etc. You can find this document in your company’s documents center on Justworks under “Insurance Documents”. COIs will only be available for the primary office locations listed on your company’s Justworks account. If you need COIs for remote locations, or need a different certificate holder added, please see the steps to request a new COI listed ahead. 

When requesting a new COI, please note that other parties cannot be named as Additional Insured on the Workers Comp policy. 

The Justworks’ Workers’ Compensation master policy renews yearly on June 1. Certificates of Insurance for the new policy year will be uploaded to the company documents center automatically by June 1st. 


Waiver of Subrogation 

A waiver of subrogation may be requested by your vendor, clients, or another party as part of your insurance verification requirement for workers’ compensation insurance. Each year, leading up to the annual Workers’ Compensation Policy renewal, your company will need to confirm any active waivers that need to be renewed for the new policy year. Once confirmed, these waivers will be automatically uploaded to your company’s documents center by June 1st and can be found under “Insurance Documents”. For any new waiver of subrogation requests, please see the steps listed below. 


How do I request a new Certificate of Insurance and/or Waiver of Subrogation? 

You can now request these documents directly through your account on Justworks! 

Navigate to your company’s document center under HR > Documents. Click “Get Started”. 

Select “Get Started” next to the type of document you wish to request.

Once you complete all the required fields, click “Review” to review your submission. Next, click “Submit” and you will see the option to submit another request or return to the Documents center. Once submitted, we will process your request and reach out to you once the document is available. 


What if my company’s address changes?  

Company address changes that are entered on Justworks will not automatically update the address on your COI. Once the address change is made on your Justworks account, please contact your designated Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support Team to ensure this is updated with our workers’ compensation carrier and your company’s related documents reflect the most accurate information. It is important to inform our carrier of any address changes to your office locations, so that renewal documentation is provided with the correct information, and delays in receiving renewal documentation are minimized. 


Other Related Documents 

To request other documents such as a C105.2, a loss/runs Report, an alternate employer endorsement, or a 30 day cancellation notice, please reach out to your designated Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support Team. 



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.