BlueCross BlueShield FAQs

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Getting Started

Where can I find my insurance ID card?

You can find your ID card in a few different ways!

  1. Physical ID cards are mailed out to your address on file with Justworks before your plan's effective date.
  2. You can also access a digital version of your ID card via the BlueCross BlueShield Portal.
  3. Download the BlueCross BlueShield app for free for iPhone and Android devices.

How can I find out if my doctor accepts my insurance?

BlueCross BlueShield has a directory of participating physicians, hospitals, and healthcare facilities readily available on their website via the Find a Doctor page and the BlueCross BlueShield app. 

If you do not currently have a doctor but need to find one, you will find the Find a Doctor tool helpful. 

How can I learn about the details and coverage limits of my plan?

To learn more about your plan and how services are covered, navigate to Benefits on the left navigation bar in Justworks. From there, you’ll be able to see your various plans (medical, dental, vision, etc.), and you can click View Plan to find more details on each plan.

Are travel and lodging benefits included in my plan?

Please advise coverage via open market plans through Justworks, which can vary from state to state; members should review their BlueCross BlueShield Summary of Benefits & Coverage (SBCs) for a breakdown of how coverage operates on their specific plans.  

If you have specific coverage questions, please reach out to Health Advocate or contact BlueCross Blue Shield Member Services number located on the back of your Insurance card.

Health Advocate is another resource that you can take advantage of for more specific coverage information. Covered employees can call 866-799-2728 or email

How can I best reach BlueCross BlueShield?

You can reach out to BlueCross BlueShield Member Services via the following channels if you are currently a member:

  • Call the number on your ID Card for the most direct service help
  • Log in to
  • Call the number on the back of your insurance card

Common Terms

What is a deductible?

A deductible is an amount you must spend before your insurance begins to pay claims. Member cost-sharing for certain services, as indicated in the plan, is excluded from charges to meet the deductible. Pharmacy expenses do not apply to your deductible.

What is an out-of-pocket maximum?

An out-of-pocket maximum is the most you have to pay out of your own pocket for covered services in a calendar year.

What is co-insurance?

Co-insurance is the percentage of health insurance expenses you pay after you’ve met your deductible.

What is a co-pay?

A co-pay is the flat amount you are responsible for paying for a covered service after you’ve met your deductible.


What is open enrollment, and how does it affect me?

Open enrollment is the designated time each year when you can enroll in health insurance benefits. Employees have two open enrollment opportunities each year:

  1. When they join the company and can select their initial plan, also known as new hire enrollment
  2. When the company’s BlueCross BlueShield policy renews in on the company’s plan year.  

Unless a qualifying life event occurs, open enrollment is the only time an employee can enroll in benefits.

What is a qualifying life event?

A qualifying life event is a change that enables employees to enroll in benefits outside of open enrollment. A qualifying life event can include one of the following situations:

1) marriage / domestic partnership

2) divorce or separation

3) birth or adoption of a child

4) loss of previous coverage

5) moving (this is not a guaranteed event, please contact for more information on what qualifies).

When you have a qualifying life event, you can make updates to your benefits coverage by submitting proof of the QLE within 30 days of the event within your Justworks account.

I want to add a dependent to my coverage. How can I do that?

Dependents must be added to your plan during open enrollment unless they experience a qualifying life event. If a qualifying event does occur, simply navigate to your Benefits in Justworks and select the Change Coverage button to signal that you need to add a dependent to your plan.

I want to change my plan selection. How can I do that?

You can change your plan if you’re still in open enrollment or if you have a qualifying life event. In either of these cases, please reach out to

I want to cancel my coverage. How can I do that?

To cancel your benefits outside of the open enrollment period, you will need a qualifying life event, such as a spouse obtaining new group health insurance. In this case, we would need a letter from the new insurance company showing the new coverage effective date. We need to ensure there isn’t a lapse in coverage. 

What are the eligibility requirements for health insurance?

An employee must be classified as “full-time” or “part-time” working 30+ hours per week to be eligible for health insurance in Justworks. Contractors are not eligible for health insurance.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.