Lever Integration

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The Justworks integration with Lever makes onboarding employees to Justworks faster and more efficient. Justworks customers with active Lever accounts can receive automated reminders to invite new hires to Justworks and seamlessly send candidate information from Lever to Justworks.

How to Setup the Integration

Log into your Justworks account, scroll down to the Company section on the left-side Navigation bar, and select Integrations. From there, click on Lever within the Human Resources section.

Once you’re on the overview page, click “Setup” on the right side of the page.

Note: Ensure you have permissions to Manage API credentials and manage integrations in Lever. This is usually granted to Super Admins.

The integration is set up in three simple steps:

  1. Connect Your Lever Account
  2. Create Webhook
  3. Enable Webhook

Click “Get started” to begin.

Next, click “Connect to Lever.”

You’ll be brought to a page where Justworks requests access to your Lever account. Click “Accept” to continue.

The page will return to Justworks, and the webhook will be created automatically. 

The last step is to Enable the webhook in Lever. Follow the instructions listed to:

  1. Visit Lever’s webhooks page.
  2. Find the Candidate Hired webhook and turn it on.
  3. Select the ^ to expand the section and then Verify Connection. If the integration is working, the text will change to Verified.

Once that’s complete, return to Justworks and click “Finish setup” at the bottom of the page.

You’ll be brought back to the Lever overview page, where you can see the integration status as “Connected.”

How to Use the Integration

Log into your Lever account and find a candidate you’d like to mark as “Hired.” If you don’t have a candidate added, learn how to add one from Lever’s Help Center here.

From the “Candidates” page, click “Choose Job” and select one for the candidate. 

Next, click “See Offer Details” and complete the information you want to sync with Justworks.

Note: Justworks will only accept “hour (wage)” or “year (salary) from the “Type of earnings” dropdown.

When you’re ready to continue, click “Next Step” on the bottom right of the page.

On the Approval page, select “Next Step”.

On the “Offer Letter” page, select “Sending offer outside of Lever?

Once the candidate has signed the offer, select “Candidate Signed” and “Mark offer as signed.”

Back at the candidate’s page, click “New Lead” and select “Hired” from the dropdown.

When a candidate is marked as 'hired' in Lever, all Justworks admins with ‘Manage employees’ permissions will receive an email titled 'A candidate has been hired in Lever!' with a link to send the candidate’s information to Justworks so that you can create their account.

Back in Justworks, go to Manage > Employees and see that you have one pending hire. Click “Review” to take action on this hire.

Click “Review & Invite” to confirm or edit any information, and click “Invite New Member” at the bottom to invite the new hire to Justworks.

Additional Resources

For additional information not covered here, reach out to support@justworks.com.

Click here to visit the Lever Support article.

Frequently Asked Questions

What permissions do I need to use this integration?

  • In Justworks, Admins need Manage employees permissions.
  • In Lever, users need Manage API credentials and manage integrations permissions.

What fields will sync from Lever to Justworks?

Whenever a candidate is marked as hired in Lever, we’ll automatically pull in the following data:

  • Member type
  • Compensation amount (salary or wage)
  • Type of earnings (salary or wage)
  • Exemption status
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Manager *
  • Department
  • Office
  • Start date *
  • Home email

*Justworks will only pull in these fields if you’ve gone through Lever's offer workflow.

Note: Candidate files and/or resumes will not sync to Justworks.

What happens if the person who set up the integration can no longer access Lever?

If the person who sets up the integration has their permissions in Lever change, or if they lose access to Lever, the integration will need to be disconnected and set up again.

Will the integration expire?

Yes, the integration will expire 12 months after it is set up. Admins will be notified 14 days and 7 days prior, informing them that the integration is expiring, and will be provided with instructions on how to refresh the integration. For the Lever integration, it will need to be disconnected and reconnected.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.