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An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a 9-digit number that the IRS assigns to businesses for identification purposes.
Before processing payroll, you’ll need to provide an EIN verification letter from the IRS confirming your company’s EIN. Follow the steps below to make uploading your EIN verification letter a smooth process.
What is an EIN verification letter?
An EIN Verification Letter can be any type of document your company has ever received from the IRS, such as a bill or notice, as long as it includes your company’s full legal entity name, EIN, and address. Please note that the primary business address entered in your Justworks Payroll account needs to match the address on your EIN Verification Letter.
Here are the best examples of these forms:
- CP 575: This is the EIN Confirmation Letter that the IRS sends to assign your EIN. The CP 575 is sent after your Form SS-4 has been submitted and approved
- 147C: If you’ve lost or misplaced your CP 575, you can request an EIN Verification Letter (147C), which verifies your company’s EIN
- Letter 947: Nonprofits should receive Letter 947 from the IRS, which verifies they are exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3).
How do I request an EIN verification letter?
If you need to receive a new EIN Verification Letter, here are the steps for requesting a 147C:
- Call the IRS Business & Specialty Tax line at 1-800-829-4933. For security purposes, an EIN Verification Letter can only be requested by phone.
- Choose your preferred language option.
- Press option 1 for Employer Identification Numbers.
- Press option 3 for If you already have an EIN, but you can’t remember it, etc.
- Let the IRS agent know that you need an EIN Verification Letter, 147C.
- Answer the security questions the IRS agent will ask to verify you are authorized to receive the 147C.
- Confirm whether you would like to receive the 147C by mail or fax.
Where should I upload my EIN verification letter?
Once you have your EIN verification letter, you can upload it to your company’s Documents Center by logging into your Justworks Payroll account and clicking the Documents tab under the category “Company”. From there, you will see an Upload Document button that will take you to a page where you can submit your EIN verification letter.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully uploaded your EIN verification letter and you’re one step closer to processing payroll.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.