Justworks Payroll: Onboarding Checklist

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Below you will find all the info you need to make your transition onto Justworks Payroll a smooth one. Be sure to check off all the action items below so your business can begin processing payroll. 


Sign documents from Justworks Payroll 

You will receive documents to electronically sign from our Payroll Operations team. You will need to complete these documents in order to grant Justworks Payroll the applicable Power of Attorney for payroll and payroll tax purposes. These forms need to be completed by an officer or signatory of your company. 

Enter your company’s bank account 

Once you’ve entered your company’s bank account details in Justworks Payroll, select a bank verification method.

Instant verification (recommended): We use Plaid to securely verify your company’s bank account instantly. All you need to do is select your bank, login and your account will be verified.

Manual verification: You will receive two small deposits (less than $1 each) within 24-48 business hours. You will need to enter these verification amounts in Justworks Payroll to confirm your company bank account details. 

Add your company’s signatory 

A signatory is the person who is authorized to sign checks and documents for a company. If you are not the signatory of the onboarding company, please invite the signatory to join Justworks Payroll as an unpaid owner or a third-party admin for international signatories. 

If your signatory is based in the U.S., they will need to enter their account details, including date of birth, Social Security Number, and address so that their identity can be verified 

If your signatory is based outside of the U.S., they may need to provide other documentation, such as their passport, to verify their identity. Once added to the platform, the international signatory will receive an identity verification email with more details. 

Invite your team (if applicable) 

You can send invitations to any employees, owners and contractors you plan on paying through Justworks Payroll by clicking the Add a person icon on your dashboard. You can also invite your accountant or anyone else who may need access to payroll details as a third-party admin. 

Enter state tax account information 

Enter the details for your company’s state tax accounts including withholding and state unemployment insurance accounts by clicking the Start button within the Manage state tax information task listed on your Justworks Payroll dashboard. 

If you would like support setting up your state tax accounts for you at an additional fee, let us know at . support@payroll.justworks.com 

Choose a payroll frequency (if applicable) 

Once you have added your employees’ details, you will be prompted to choose a payroll frequency. This is how often your employees will automatically receive paychecks through the platform. 

Confirm your company’s deposit schedule 

Let us know whether your company has been assigned a semiweekly or monthly tax deposit schedule by the IRS. If you have never filed a 941 under its EIN before, it's likely that you would be considered a monthly depositor according to IRS Publication 15

Upload payroll history reports 

If your company has issued payments through its EIN prior to Justworks Payroll in the current calendar year, you will need to upload payroll history reports to the Documents tab of your Justworks Payroll account so that we can make sure the filings made for your company, as well as any end of year forms such as W 2s or 1099s are correct. 



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.