This article is about Justworks Payroll. What product am I using?
If you need to update a team member’s pay rate, you can do so from your Justworks Payroll account by following the steps below.
To start, click on the ‘Employees,’ ‘Contractors,’ or ‘Third party admins’ tab on the left-hand side menu of your account. Then, select the name of the member whose pay rate you need to update.
Once you have their profile page up, choose ‘Schedule job change’ from the top menu.
On the following page, you can update fields if needed, then click ‘Next.’
Then, choose ‘Yes’ for involving a compensation change, and click ‘Next.’
On the next page, you can update the member type and pay rate details.
After making these updates, you’ll be able to select the date they need to take effect, and click ‘Review changes.’
If all of the information looks correct, you can click ‘Submit’ and those changes will go into effect for the member on the date you chose.
Please note that if a past effective date is selected, there will not be an automatic payment scheduled to make up for any differences in amount for payrolls that have already been processed. If needed, you can schedule an off-cycle payment to make up for any differences in pay based on the member’s new pay rate.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.