Wisconsin Payroll Tax Registration and Information for Justworks Payroll

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Paying employees in Wisconsin

When hiring employees in new states, you will need to register for relevant state tax accounts to facilitate their payment. In Wisconsin, you must be registered with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) (withholding income tax) and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (unemployment tax).

Alternatively, Justworks Payroll can handle the registration process for you. We offer state tax registration services to assist with registering your business in new states. To request registration, please contact us at support@payroll.justworks.com.


Your Wisconsin Accounts and Rate

To register for your Wisconsin Withholding Tax account, you should start by heading to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website and Register your business with the Department of Revenue. You will receive your Withholding Account Number within 24 hours after registering online. 

To register for your Unemployment Tax account, please submit an online application through the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. You will receive your employer unemployment account number and tax rate immediately after registering online.


Find This Information

Locate your Wisconsin Withholding Tax Account Number:

  • Checking the Form WT-6 withholding coupon or the welcome letter from the Department of Revenue labeled "Filing Number," or
  • Contacting the agency at (608) 266-2776.

Locate your Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development UI Account Number:

  • Examining the most recent tax rate notice or Quarterly Wage Report (Form UCT-101) provided by the WI Department of Workforce Development (DWD), or
  • Contacting the agency at (608) 261-6700.


Entering State Tax Info in Justworks Payroll 

Once you registered with the State and have a valid WI address added to your company’s offices, you can add your account info in Justworks Payroll by navigating to: 

  1. Company > Settings in the left navigation bar
  2. Under ‘Company tax info’ click into “Wisconsin” to edit the state tax information 

In your Justworks Payroll account, you’ll want to enter in your Wisconsin Withholding Tax Account Number, Unemployment Insurance Account Number and Tax Rate.


Third-party admin access 

As your payroll provider, Justworks Payroll will utilize the provided account information to manage and report your WI tax liabilities. Occasionally, the state may issue notices related to payroll taxes. 

Justworks Payroll can examine these notices if granted Third-party admin access to your WI state tax account. During onboarding, we will request that you sign state specific TPA forms, which authorizes us to handle and report your taxes to the state. 

Why is this important?

Justworks Payroll calculates tax liabilities as part of payroll processing. If we cannot access your WI state tax accounts, we must return any unremitted tax liabilities to your company bank account, requiring you to remit and file your company’s state taxes manually.


This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.