Since many of our customers are hiring new employees at a rapid clip, Justworks allows employers to manage invite delays for new employees giving you more control over the enrollment process. This way, you can add new employees well before their start date, but wait to send the invitation until you have all the necessary information, like their email address, and are ready.
Send invites when you want
When you add a new employee, you can now select if you want to send the employee invitation "Now" or "Later". Note, the default is send invite "Now".
If you select "Later", the employee information will be viewable to you, but the invitation won’t be sent to the employee until you take action.
A green banner at the top of your Justworks homepage will appear after you add your new employee -- “We’ve setup [employee name]’s first paycheck but have not sent an invitation email. Once sent we’ll notify you after they’re done.
Send invites after an employee has been added
You can send the invitation from two sections of Justworks.
1. On the Employees, Contractors, and/or Vendors page, under Manage in the navigation menu, you’ll see a new section labeled, Added but not invited, above the former employees section. This will include employee(s) you’ve set up in the system that have not received an invite. Simply click “Send # invitation” in the upper right corner when you’re ready.
2. Additionally, you can click into the new employee page and click ‘Send invitation’ at the top of the page in the grey banner.
Once you send invitations, the new employees will receive an enrollment email to the address on file in Justworks. You will receive a confirmation, with the number of invitations sent, in the green notification banner at the top of your homepage.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.