1095-B and 1095-C: What You Need to Know

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What Is a 1095-B?

Form 1095-B is a tax form that provides information about your health insurance coverage. The forms show the months during which you (and any of your dependents) were covered on a plan that meets the minimum essential coverage standard as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All health insurance plans through Justworks meet the minimum essential coverage standard.

The forms show:

  • The subscriber covered by the policy (you)
  • Any dependents on the policy
  • The months in which you (and your dependents) on the policy were covered

Who Receives Form 1095-B?

If you had health insurance through your employer or independently during any part of 2023, you should receive Form 1095-B from the insurance carrier.

Only you, as the subscriber, will receive Forms 1095-B for your coverage. Any dependents that need to furnish proof of health insurance coverage may request a copy of the form from the subscriber.

Where Does My 1095-B Come From?

The insurance carrier holding the policy issues Form 1095-B. Most carriers will mail a physical copy of Form 1095-B to you and will also upload a digital copy to your member portal.

If you had coverage from multiple carriers, you will receive more than one Form 1095-B.

What Do I Do with My 1095-B?

These forms are informational and are for your records only. There is no action required on your end, and the form is not required in order for you to file your personal income tax return.

When Can I Expect To Receive My 1095-B?

The IRS deadline requires that insurance carriers furnish enrolled members with Form 1095-B by March 2nd, 2024.

What is Form 1095-C?

Form 1095-C is a tax form that provides you with information about employer-provided health insurance. Only employees who are offered coverage under a policy through an Applicable Large Employer (ALE) receive Forms 1095-C, and it is the responsibility of the ALE to generate and furnish the documents to all employees who were full-time (as defined by the ACA) for one or more months of the calendar year. Employers that are not ALEs are not required to provide the Forms 1095-C to their employees.

Who Receives Form 1095-C?

Only employees who are offered coverage under a policy through an Applicable Large Employer (ALE) and who were full-time (as defined by the ACA) for one or more months of the calendar year receive Forms 1095-C. If you worked for one or more ALEs within a calendar year, you will receive more than one 1095-C.

Where Does Form 1095-C Come From?

In the case of ALEs on Justworks, customers can choose to have Justworks provide Form 1095-C. If you are an employee at an ALE on Justworks, a copy of Form 1095-C will be uploaded to your Justworks document center in addition to being mailed. 

What Do I Do with My 1095-C?

These forms are informational and are for your records only. There is no action required on your end, and the form is not required in order for you to file your personal income tax return.

When Can I Expect To Receive My 1095-C?

A digital copy of the document will be available in the employee’s Justworks document center by March 2nd, 2024. Employees can expect to receive a physical copy in the mail, postmarked by March 2nd, 2024.


This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.