Managing Company Account Settings

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Employer - All.svg

This article is for all employers using Justworks.

Enrolling with Justworks

You’ll be prompted to verify your current employee list for workers’ comp underwriting purposes. Justworks will then take 3-5 days to review your application, secure workers’ comp coverage and complete your enrollment. You can pay your employees as soon as your enrollment is complete.

Your office location is the address we use to calculate payroll taxes

Update your office location by navigating to Company > "Settings" on the left navigation bar. You'll then see a section labeled "Offices" where you can update and add new locations. If your office moves, make sure to enter the new address in Justworks, so that the proper payroll taxes get withheld and your Workers' Comp stays compliant.

Your official business address may be different from your office location

Your official business address is what we use when we file with government and insurance carriers as your official business address. To update this address, navigating to Company > "Settings" on the left navigation bar. Next, simply edit the "Basic Info" and enter the correct address.

Updating your business bank account information

Justworks will not add new business bank details on behalf of our customers. Companies processing under our standard 4-day timeline have the ability to update their own company bank accounts.

If you process payroll using one of our expedited timelines (2-day Reverse Wire or 2-day via ACH underwriting) and need to change the business bank account on file, please contact our Support Team. We will clear out the information on file and you'll be prompted to enter the new details directly in your account.

Canceling your Justworks account

To cancel your account, contact us and we will make the necessary changes to your account from our end.

NOTE: if you cancel your account, you'll need to secure your own workers’ comp coverage, statutory disability (New York only), and Employer Practices Liability Insurance.

To terminate your account, please contact us. (We'll be sad to see you go!)



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.