Manager Level Permissions

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This article is for all employers using Justworks.

Manager permissions allow companies to give managers access to different functions across Justworks. As your company grows, you’ll want to give access to tools to help managers lead their teams and take some of that burden off of your admins. With manager permissions, you can enable what managers at your company can do.

How it works

There are two parts to giving managers a permission: first is making them a manager in Justworks, and managing what permissions managers get. Currently, manager permissions are granted to all of your managers.

Adding a Manager

Managers are defined as employees that have direct reports. To make someone a manager, navigate to their direct report’s page and select them as manager under the "Job Information" section of the member’s page.

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Enabling and disabling permissions

To add or remove a permission for managers, navigate to Permissions in the left navigation menu, and select the Manager Permissions tab at the top. From there, you can click on the permission you would like to change. Select whether it is enabled or disabled, and click save to update.

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Manage Paid Time Off

Admins can allow managers at their company to approve or deny the PTO requests of their direct reports and extended team with the ‘Manage Paid Time Off’ manager permission. If granted this permission, managers will be able to view existing time off policies.

Manage Employee Timecards

With this permission, managers will be able to fill out, submit, and approve hours for both their direct reports and extended teams. This is especially useful for companies with several locations with hourly employees.

Though managers will be able to view pay rate and salary info for each employee in their reporting chain, those with this permission will not be able to edit pay rates or viewing other payments such as supplemental or vendor payments.

View Basic Employee Information

Managers will be able to view their direct reports’ (and extended teams’) non-sensitive info such as PTO requests and emergency contact info with this permission. However, they will not be able to view or edit all employee’s sensitive information such as pay rate, SSN, and bank account information.

View All Employee Information

Here, employees will be able to view all information for their direct reports and extended team. They will still be restricted from making any changes, though, and from viewing the information of employees who are not either direct or indirect reports.

Who can change manager permissions?

Only admins with the permission to “Edit employee permissions” will be able to view, enable, or disable manager permissions.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.