New Jersey - State Unemployment Insurance

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This article is about Justworks PEO. What product am I using?

New Jersey is what's referred to as a PEO-reporting state for unemployment insurance. Justworks will report unemployment taxes under the Justworks unemployment account number. State unemployment charges will be invoiced by Justworks; your company’s SUI rate no longer applies in New Jersey. Please suspend or close your previous unemployment account.

Justworks has elected to use the PEO-level reporting method in the state of New Jersey, which uses the PEO's state employer account number and contribution rate to report and pay all required contributions for unemployment compensation and temporary disability. Upon termination of the service agreement, the customer will retain the experience balance, liabilities, and wage credits for the customer’s employing unit account; customer’s federal employer identification number (FEIN) will become the primary FEIN on the employing unit's account.

Closing NJ Unemployment and Withholding Accounts

Please follow the steps outlined below to close your NJ Unemployment and Withholding accounts:

To close your Unemployment Account:

  • Call the state at (609) 633-6400.

  • If you need to verify the status of your account, you can visit the NJ Division of Revenue site. This is the site where you file you returns, but you can also use it to verify the status of you account.

Close your withholding account:

Option 1: Submit an Online Registration Change (REG-C) indicating the date on which payment of wages ceased.

  • When in the online portal, please select "End Tax Eligibility" option.
  • Then under "Select a tax" select "Giter/UI/DI" and indicate the date on which payment of wages ceased.

Option 2: Send a Request for Change of Registration Information (Form REG-C, Form REG-C-H, or Form REG-C-L) by mail to indicate the date on which operations (and payment of wages) ceased.

If you’re having trouble completing the online account setup process, please contact the state’s customer service line for assistance.

Additional Filing Requirements

Please work with your current payroll provider on the additional filing requirements:

  1. Provide each employee with a copy of his or her Form W-2 within 30 days from the date of the last payment.
  2. File a final quarterly return or annual return of New Jersey Income Tax withheld by the due date. 
  3. File a Reconciliation of Tax Withheld (NJ-W-3) along with any appropriate forms. 



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.