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Virginia - State Unemployment Insurance

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Virginia is what's referred to as a PEO-reporting state for unemployment insurance. Justworks will report unemployment taxes under the Justworks unemployment account number. State unemployment charges will be invoiced by Justworks; your company’s SUI rate no longer applies in Virginia. Please suspend or close your previous unemployment account.

Closing VA Unemployment and Withholding Accounts:

Please follow the steps outlined below to close your VA Unemployment account:

  1. Complete the FC-20C Account Change Notice Information Update form. 
    • Fill in the header section
    • Skip to Section 7, Change Account Status to Inactive
    • Select “I am still in business, but I no longer have employees working in Virginia”; select “Employees are now being reported by a Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
    • In the "Date Final Wages Paid" field, enter the last date your VA employees were paid prior to your Justworks start date
    • In the "Fed. ID Number of PEO" field, enter: 46-2283648
    • In the "Name of PEO" field, enter: Justworks Employment Group LLC
    • Sign at the bottom
  2. Mail the form to the state at the address indicated in the box at the top right of the form.

If you'd prefer to close your VA Unemployment account online, you can so do by logging into VATAX Online Services for Business to update your account. 

Please follow the steps outlined below to close your VA Withholding account:

  1. Complete the R-3 Registration Information Change Request form.
    • Fill in your account number and FEIN at the top
    • Check the “No Longer Liable” box for Withholding tax. Enter the effective date (your start date with Justworks)
    • Fax or mail the completed form to the address on the form

Alternatively, you can close your withholding account online from VATAX as well. 

Additional Filing Requirements:

Please work with your current payroll provider to file the VA-6 Final Summary of Virginia Income Tax Withheld form within 30 days of the last month in which you pay wages.