Rehiring Employees

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Justworks makes rehiring your employees an easy process by following just a few simple steps.

First, you’ll need to head to the separated employee’s profile at the bottom of your employee list. Note, you cannot search for separated employees via the search bar at the top of your account.

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Once you’ve navigated to the former employee’s profile, you can click “Rehire” in the top right corner to begin the process.

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On this screen, you can confirm the existing information we already have on file from when this person was previously employed at your company. If everything looks correct, you can click “Continue” to move on to the next steps. If something has changed since the person last worked for you, you can click “Edit” in the top right corner and make updates as needed.




On the compensation page, enter the user type, pay basis, pay rate, and worker type. You’ll also need to tell us if this employee needs to be classified as Non-Exempt or Exempt.


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Finally, tell us the employee’s first day and if they need to fill out a new I-9.

Please note: After October 31, 2023, employers must use the new Form I-9 (Edition 8/1/23). You can find the edition date at the bottom of the page on the form.

Going forward, if you rehire your employee within 3 years of the date that a previous Form I-9 was completed, you may either complete a new Form I-9 for your employee or complete Supplement B of the previously completed Form I-9. If you previously completed Supplement B, or if the version of the Form I-9 you used for a previous verification is no longer valid, you should complete Supplement B of a new Form I-9 using the most current version and attach it to the previously completed Form I-9.

You can find more information on how to complete Supplement B here.

Once you complete these steps to rehire your employee, we’ll send them an email to welcome them back to Justworks.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.