Idaho is what's referred to as a PEO-reporting state for unemployment insurance. Justworks will report unemployment taxes under the Justworks unemployment account number. Customers will be subject to the Justworks state unemployment rate. Please suspend or close your previous unemployment account.
Closing ID Unemployment and Withholding Accounts:
Please follow the steps outlined below to close your ID Unemployment account:
- Please fill out the Idaho PEO Letter of Intent that was provided to you by Justworks following the instructions below:
- Enter your company information in the top right corner.
- The “Effective date of co-employer relationship” should be your Justworks start date.
- Complete the Client Information section.
- The “Date employees first hired in ID” should be their first day of work, on/after your Justworks start date.
- Sign and date and send back to Justworks.
Please follow the steps outlined in one of the three options below to close your ID Withholding account:
Option 1:
- Log in to Taxpayer Access Point.
- Click the account ID (link) for the account you want to cancel.
- In the I want to… section, click “Cancel My Permit”.
- Make sure to indicate the effective date of closure is the date prior to your Justworks start date.
- Please allow for 7-14 business days for your request to take effect.
Option 2:
- Check the box to “Cancel Permit” when you file your final return.
Option 3:
- Fill out the online form with the following:
- Check the box next to “Cancel my withholding permit/account”.
- Fill in the required fields.
- Make sure to indicate the effective date of closure is the date prior to your Justworks start date.
- Submit.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.