Greenhouse Integration

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Justworks’ integration with Greenhouse Recruiting allows you to send candidate information to Justworks each time you mark a candidate as ‘Hired’ in Greenhouse.

How to Set Up the Integration

Log into your Justworks account, scroll down to the Company section on the left-side Navigation bar, and select Integrations. From there, click on Greenhouse within the Human Resources section.


Within the Greenhouse integration page, select SET UP on the right hand side.



Continue to follow the steps outlined on the Set up Greenhouse and Justworks integration page:

  • Step 1: Review the form in Greenhouse

  • Step 2: Create a new web hook in Greenhouse

  • Step 3: Test Integration

After creating the web hook in Greenhouse, be sure to come back to Justworks and complete Step 3: Test Integration



How to Use the Integration

When a candidate is marked as hired in Greenhouse, all Justworks admins with ‘Manage employees’ permissions will receive an email titled 'A candidate has been hired in Greenhouse!' with a link to send the candidate’s information to Justworks so that you can create their account.

Click the 'Get Started' button from the email, and the candidate’s information will be pre-populated in the 'Add a person or vendor' page in Justworks.






By default, the following fields will sync through the integration:

  • Employment type

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Start date

  • Home email


Custom Fields

We can pull in additional data from the Offer Details with custom fields. From your Dashboard in Greenhouse, go to Configure (top right gear icon) > Custom Options > Offers > Add field

The field names must be entered exactly as they are shown below. Here are the fields we can import:

  • Annual vs Hourly

  • Annual Salary

  • Hourly Rate

  • Worker type

  • Exemption Status

  • Title

  • Manager

  • Department

  • Office

There are a few details to take note of when setting up the field options and when completing the offer for the candidate:

  • Annual vs Hourly — options must be Annual Salary or Hourly Rate

  • Department — options must be the exact department names as they exist in Justworks

  • Office — options must be the exact office names as they exist in Justworks

Please Note: If you don't add custom fields for Title, Department, and Office in the Offer Details, the integration will sync available information from Greenhouse’s job posts for the new hire.


Pending Hires Table

Once the integration is set up, all pending hires can be easily accessed and viewed within the Team management page by selecting the 'REVIEW' button.


If you manually added an employee before using the integration, click 'REVIEW' and select the trash icon next to the employee that you'd like to delete from the 'Pending Hires' table.



Justworks will alert you of any pending new hires from Greenhouse in two places.

  1. The first is front and center on your Justworks dashboard under the 'Find people...' search bar
  2. Click the 'ALERTS' button above the calendar, which will pop out the alerts panel from the right.




Additional Resources

For additional information not covered here, reach out to

Click here to visit the Greenhouse Help Center article.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is notified when a candidate is marked as hired in Greenhouse?

When a candidate is marked as hired in Greenhouse, all Justworks admins with ‘Manage employees’ permissions will receive an email from Justworks with a link to create the new hire’s account in Justworks.

Is there a fee for connecting or disconnecting the integration?


Is the Greenhouse Integration available to all Justworks customers?
The Greenhouse integration is available to Justworks customers who are paying for a PEO plan.


Is the integration between Justworks and Greenhouse Recruiting or Justworks and Greenhouse Onboarding?

The integration is only between Justworks and Greenhouse Recruiting.

The integration is not working. What should I do?

First, make sure that you’ve clicked 'CONFIRM INTEGRATION' from the set up page in Justworks. If you’re still having issues, please contact us at

Do I need to have any specific permissions in Greenhouse?

Yes! In order to create the webhook, a Site Admin can grant another admin permission by going to Configure (top right gear icon) > Users > select an admin > scroll down to Developer Permissions > check the box next to 'Manage and configure web hooks'

How do I give an admin the 'Manage Employees' permission in Justworks?

For help with granting the 'Manage Employees' permission to an admin on Justworks, please refer to this article in our Help Center.


Can I turn the Greenhouse integration off?

Yes, go to the Manage Employees page > Greenhouse Integration > Disconnect integration. Keep in mind, when the integration is turned back on, the secret key needs to be updated in the webhook.


How do I set up each custom field?

Please use the screenshots below as a reference when adding custom fields. Be sure to match Field name, Field type, and Options (if applicable) exactly as they are shown. For fields with custom options, type each on a new line.


Annual vs Hourly

Annual Salary

Hourly Rate

Worker Type

Exemption Status



