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Expenses allows you to submit reimbursement requests for expenses along with details and receipts directly to your administrator or admin for review and approval.
You can find it under the You section of the navigation menu on the left side.
Reimbursement Requests and Expenses
An expense is one or more transactions of a specific type. For example, a company sponsored dinner may fall under a Meals and Entertainment category expense.
Multiple expenses can then be added under a single reimbursement request to submit for approval at one time. For example, a reimbursement request for “New York Business Trip” might include multiple expenses for Meals and Entertainment, Transportation and more.
You can begin creating a reimbursement request by selecting Create Request.
From there, you can choose to either Attach Expense from Library to select from existing individual expenses you had previously made or Add New Expense to create a new expense directly on the reimbursement request.
If you choose Add New Expense, you will be required to select a Transaction Date, enter an Amount, and select the Category from the dropdown list of approved expense types.
Additional required or optional fields chosen by your administrator will populate based on the category selected from the dropdown. These fields can include Merchant, Description, Receipt, list of Attendees etc.
Multiple receipts can be added to a single expense if necessary.
Individual expenses for future submission can be created without starting a reimbursement request by navigating to the Expense Library and choosing Create Expense.
Once you complete all the required fields, you’ll be able to Add to Request which will take you back to the initial reimbursement request screen. You can add additional expenses by attaching from the expense library or the Add another expense option at the bottom.
A summary of the total number of expenses, the total request value and the approving manager/administrator will appear in the right hand corner prior to submitting the request. When finished with the request, you can click Submit for Approval.
If you have a reimbursement request that includes a non-reimbursable expense, the amount that will not be reimbursed will show as a separate amount.
Request History
You can review both your current and historical reimbursement requests in the Request History tab of Expenses.
It will include a link to see the reimbursement request details and current status.
Your administrator can approve your reimbursement request for payment or return the request with a note indicating what needs to be corrected.
You will receive an email notification in both cases and these statuses can be seen in your Request History.
If the reimbursement request has been returned, your administrator may have provided a note of what needs to be corrected. You can make these corrections on the existing request and resubmit once you have taken the appropriate action.
If you would like to cancel your reimbursement request, you can choose Delete Request.
Once your administrator has approved your reimbursement request, the status will change to Approved and an estimated pay date will populate.
Justworks has a Mobile App! To learn more about how you can create and submit reimbursement requests on the go, please see our Mobile Experience Help Center article.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.