Justworks Payroll: International Contractors and Payments

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If you're using Justworks Payroll, you can seamlessly pay international contractors (those based outside the U.S.) right from your account. No more hassle or third-party systems—just simple, direct payments!

Keep in mind, this feature is specifically for paying international contractors—not international employees. If you have employees based outside the U.S., you’ll want to explore Justworks’ Employer of Record (EOR) services to handle their payments and compliance needs. 


For a list of eligible countries for international contractor payments see here


Ready to Invite Your International Contractors? Here’s How!

As an Administrator with "Manage Team" permissions in Justworks Payroll, inviting international contractors to your company is quick and straightforward. 

Follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the People tab
  • Select "Employees"
  • Click "Add Member" in the top-right corner
  • For the member type, choose "Contractor (International)"
  • Fill in the required fields
  • Once done, click "Send" to invite your contractor!

And that's it! Your international contractor will receive the invite instantly. Once you have invited your international contractor, you will be able to view them in the directory and team management page.

Invitation Flow (Contractor)

Once an international contractor has been added, an invitation email will be sent to the email address provided with a link to Accept Invitation.

By accepting the invitation, they will be directed to our International Contractor portal site. This is a separate site from the domestic Justworks login and will prompt them to create an account if they do not already have an existing international contractor account.



They will begin filling out their profile with key information such as legal name, date of birth, address, and a brief description of their contract work. 

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Additionally, they will need to enter their bank information for the account they wish to receive

deposits. Unlike contractors based in the United States, the profile requires a non-U.S. bank account.

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After onboarding, international contractors can add or change your bank account information by clicking their name in the upper-right corner of their account.

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To ensure compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) standards, Justworks partners with Persona for secure identity verification. In this segment of the onboarding flow, the contractor will be prompted to agree to Persona’s Terms of Use.

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Clicking Launch Persona will direct the contractor to Persona’s verification flow. Here is what the contractor will need to ensure they complete the KYC verification process successfully:

  • A valid form of government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport;
  • Any device with a supported web browser that has an unobstructed camera;
  • A well-lit room to ensure the camera takes a clear photo;

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Once the contractor clicks Begin verifying, they will be prompted to select the country their government ID is from, then upload that form of ID. The form of ID that the contractor can opt to provide will vary depending on the country they select.

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Once the government ID is uploaded and scanned successfully, the contractor will be prompted to verify their identity by taking a live profile picture. The contractor should ensure that they’re in a well-lit room and that any headphones, glasses, or head gear not present in their government ID photo are removed.

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Upon a successful live photo verification, clicking Done will conclude the onboarding process and redirect the contractor to the home page of their account.

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From the home page of their account, the contractor will see their payment history at a glance and have the option to update their bank account at any time. 

If an international contractor has already set up an account, they can use the same account used to receive previous payments. Their profile will allow them to review any payments they have received from any Justworks-related company.

How to Schedule Payments for Your International Contractor Payments

You can pay your International Contractors using the “International Contractor Pay” payment type in the Payments Center. Follow these steps to schedule and manage these payments:

  • Input Payment Amount
    • As an admin, navigate to the Payments Center and select “International Contractor Pay”. Then, enter the amount to be debited in USD.
  • View Estimated Payment in Local Currency
    • Once you input the amount in USD, you will see an estimated final amount in the contractor’s local currency. This estimate is based on the current exchange rate and includes a small processing fee.
  • Exchange Rate Considerations
    • Please note that the estimated local currency amount may change. The final amount will be determined by the exchange rate at the time the payment is processed.


How to View and Edit Payments to International Contractors

Admins can easily view and manage payments to International Contractors using the following options:

  1. View Payments on Member Profile: International Contractor Payments can be accessed from the View Payments page on the contractor's member profile.
  2. Payment Details and Editing: On the View Payments page in the contractors’ profile, admins can see detailed information about each payment. However, please note that deleting payments is not currently possible.
  3. International Contractor Payments Report: Another way to track payments is through the International Contractor Payments report, which provides a consolidated view of all payments made to international contractors.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.