Work History

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What is Work History?

Work History allows admins and managers (with appropriate permissions) to see a timeline of their employees’ and contractors’ history in their Justworks accounts. An employee or contractor’s history is composed of Title, pay rate, pay basis (annually/hourly), member type (full-time, part-time, contractor, etc.), department, office, and manager.

Admins can add history prior to any member joining Justworks. If you had an employee who started in 2013, and your company joined Justworks in 2017, you could add all of the changes that happened between 2013 - 2017 to this view.

Justworks will automatically add new records to the timeline as changes are made to members’ info in Justworks (new title, salary, etc.).


How does it work?

To make changes, navigate to an employee’s profile and click on “Job information.” At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the employee’s Work History. If you’d like to create a new entry, you can do so by clicking “Create a new entry” at the bottom of the timeline. Once you fill in the required information, the line will automatically be added to the employee’s timeline. If you need to edit an entry, you can also do so by clicking the blue pencil located on each line. This will also allow you to remove a line from an employee’s history.


Histories can include information from time prior to your company joining Justworks and admins and managers with “View all employee info” can view history for their direct and indirect reports.

All information contained in Work History is for your internal reference only. Changes made in Work History will not impact anything else in the Justworks platform or the services Justworks provides to your company. So, for example, payroll, benefits eligibility, exemption status, permissions, member type are not affected by any information you add or change in Work History.

If you want to make changes going forward to pay rate, pay basis, member type, job title, department, office, or manager, you can navigate to ‘Change Compensation’ in an employee’s profile. Learn more about Updating an Employee’s Compensation

Who can make changes?

Admins with “Manage employees” permission can edit and view an employee’s Work History. Histories are automatically updated whenever member changes occur elsewhere in the platform such as changes in Job Title or Compensation.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.