Vendor FAQs

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Employee - PEO & Payroll.svg

This article is about Justworks PEO and Payroll. What product am I using?

What we need to get you paid:

  1. Your EIN
  2. Your bank details (both routing and account number)
  3. Basic Company details (name, address, phone number)
  4. Your login credentials (create a username and password)

How do I submit invoices?

You'll need to submit your invoices directly to your customer outside of Justworks. Your customer can submit payments to you at any time at no cost to them.

How will I know if they've paid me?

Any time you receive a payment through Justworks, we'll send you an email!

My customer says they paid me, why didn't I get an email?

It takes four business days for us to process payments. If they paid you on Monday, it will be deposited to you on Friday. 

I have an existing vendor account. How do I link it to my new client who uses Justworks for vendor payments?

In order to link your existing vendor account to your new client's Justworks account, please ask your new client's Justworks admin to contact our Customer Support team who will be able to assist and complete this request. They can be reached at or 888-534-1711.



This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.